S.P.E.W. – An Informal Petition

Society for the Protection of Everyone’s Welfare (S.P.E.W.)… Also known as my informal attempt to start a petition giving accounts of BellaEric27‘s harassment and offenses. Below I will give a brief accounting of my interactions with this person and I ask all of you to comment to this post doing the same. While this situation has made us all very emotional and upset, please keep your responses free of any slandering, name-calling, etc. as to stoop to that level would make us no better than her and would be detrimental to our cause.

Please comment below listing the following: your fanfiction.net screen name and profile link (if you don’t have one for fanfiction.net, please list another site or if you are not registered elsewhere, please create a nickname if you’d like to post anomalously); whether you are a Witness (someone who saw/reported this person for plagiarism or abuse); or whether you are a Victim (someone she has stolen work from in the past and/or slandered). As mentioned before, keep your language clean and precise. Let’s all be like Spock and keep it logical 🙂

Let me be clear: I intend to send a link of this post to fanfiction.net admins along with several screen shots I have of EricBella27‘s abuse to me and others. Understand that I am unsure what they will do with this information and I cannot be held responsible should they begin suspending accounts for whatever reason. That is why I want to keep this clean, brief and to the point. If we do not stoop to her level of slander and simply report the facts, then there will be no cause for action to be taken against us. Still, suspension is a risk I am willing to take and I hope you are too. This person needs to be held accountable for her hateful actions… She’s hurt so many by stealing their stories, leaving hateful notes on her profile about the people she stole from… using old accounts of hers to send hate messages to writers… It needs to stop and she needs to understand that there are consequences for her actions.

As ever, thank you for reading, your support and for the accountings left below.

My name is Bertie Bott (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/249856/Bertie_Bott) and on 9-14-14 I received notice that BellaEric27 posted a story (Iron Man’s Love) eerily similar to one of mine (Set My Soul Alight). After reading it, I found that EVERYTHING she had written was lifted from my story. I approached her via PM to request she remove the story voluntarily least I report her. She responded sounding scared, saying she didn’t plagiarize, didn’t know why I thought such a thing or why I was attacking her. I calmly explained that her readers approached me with this information – that everything she had written was lifted from me (paraphrased as well as some direct lines), and that intentional or not, she had plagiarized and I would report her if she didn’t remove it. We went back and forth until she removed the story and ‘apologized.’ After looking at her profile and noticing how she’d posted 40+ stories within 3 weeks, I grew suspicious and indeed, found other authors she had stolen from and promptly notified them. What proceeded was a long, drawn out battle of her denying her thefts even when shown unequivocal evidence. She slandered people (by name) on her profile, and while eventually the stories were removed to be re-worked, she continued (to this day) insulting those she had stolen from. She has claimed two other fanfiction.net accounts on her profile (writergirl2221 and Vampslayergirl) that she says she can’t get into to, yet she has sent abusive messages to authors from these accounts. Craycraytwilightfan is listed as her beta on her profile, and this person too, has sent mean, degrading messages to people completely unprovoked. I give this accounting and ask for BellaEric27‘s suspension and the removal of her stories (which violate fanfiction.net’s mature content policy as they all revolve around dom/sub relationships, mating and threesomes).

41 thoughts on “S.P.E.W. – An Informal Petition”

  1. I completely agree with you though I am not a author I am a huge fan of the work of yours and the other ladies that she plagiarized and is causing problems for.I have read the cheap knock off work that she posted that she had plagiarized from you wonderful ladies . You can find me at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2378705 and my pen name is 01katie.

  2. I find it completely disheartening that she is continuing to harass and plagiarize others. Unfortunately, her name has continued to come up for months as the main perpetrator of this behavior to the point of causing my favorite authors and stories to be removed from FF.net As a very new writer, it is discouraging that people can be so unkind and disrespectful of someone’s hard work. I only read on ff.net instead of writing. I can be found at https://www.fanfiction.net/~kinnik.

    Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

  3. I am a witness to this plagiarism and I also find this completely disheathening. I don’t like stalkers, harassers nor people that cheat by mooching of others.
    Currently I have some of my own stories up at FF.net under the profile
    https://www.fanfiction.net/~devilishjojo but I must say that I am rethinking of posting the rest there.

    I hope this helps out and I thank for your time to read this.

  4. My Name is Mommy4Thomas(https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4261986/mommy4thomas).

    I have also been witness to the rampant plagiarism that Ericbella27 took part in. While I was not plagiarized by her, one of the stories I was a Beta for was. The story, “If We Could Take the Time” by Cuinawen was stolen by EricBella27 and it even included some of the lines directly from the story. As the Beta to the story, I sent a PM to ErcBella27 on Cuinawen’s behalf expressing my outrage at the story theft and requested that the offensive copy of the story, “A Vampire’s Mate” be removed. What I got in reply was filled with rather rude comments and denials. When Cuinawen contacted the author herself, she was met with the same kind of treatment and slanderous remarks were made both about myself and Cuinawen. It was truly uncalled for and when we reported the incident, nothing was done. NOTHING! Eventually, EricBella27 did remove her stories, and has since republished others. The issue did not completely end there. EricBella27 continued to post malicious things on her profile about the authors SHE pilfered from. Some of the things she said were spiteful, hateful and nothing but complete untruths. They were reported as well, and yet her profile was still there. Let’s fast forward to a few months later…We find EricBella27 has spouted off more spiteful words on FB and has been harassing another author. I have peeked at EricBella27’s stories and there are many violations to the rules of the site. For example, there is poor grammar, sexual scenes, adult language and so forth. I often see stories get removed for less than that. EricBella27 should be removed not just because of her plagiarism but because her stories are a direct violation of Fanfiction.net’s policies.

  5. I find this things terribly atrocious and awefull. You girls spend so much times on these very good stories. I must say I enjoy them alot.

    I will be a witness as I have never have had anything happen to my own stories as I have seen.

    You can find me and my older stories on ff.net under the penname Devilish Jojo

    I hope this helps you girls!
    Thanks for taking your time to read this.

  6. There are so many wonderful writers out there who deserve so much better than what they are receiving :(.
    I do write and can be found at https://www.fanfiction.net/~breathesgirl or http://www.tj6james6.wordpress.com as well as at TWCS but I’m rarely there.
    Let me take this space to say that it’s a sad state of affairs when a site which routinely removes stories for sexual scenes and not so explicit language, and doesn’t give the author a chance to either defend their story or remove the ‘offensive’ section, can’t be bothered to do something which is both against their own TOS AND illegal in the real world.
    If it were possible I would no longer read there at all, unfortunately some of the stories I am reading are exclusive to FFn :(.
    Good luck with your petition Bertie, I hope it is very successful and passes on the message to those who have thought about doing the same thing that it really isn’t worth it to do so.

  7. Reblogged this on A Writer's Corner and commented:
    This is a petition asking to have EricBella27 removed from Fanfiction.net. If you have been a witness or a victim in her slanderous comments or have been plagiarized by her, or know someone who has. Standup, sign the petition! I must remind you to keep it clean. If we are to be taken seriously, we need to sound like adults, and be as kind and courteous as we can be. Thank you!

  8. My first personal dealing with Bellaeric27 was when I was informed by Mommy4Thomas that she believed this person to have plagiarised one of my stories, a story Mommy4Thomas had beta read for me. I was already aware that this same author appeared to have plagiarised other people’s work quite shamelessly so I checked it for myself to confirm it.

    Upon discovering that she had taken the plot, set up, and even lines directly from my own work I attempted to contact Bellaeric27 for myself, only to find that after my beta contacting her, she had already blocked me from contacting her via PM.
    Instead of allowing me to contact her and work things out like adults, she blocked me at every turn and then went on to post slanderous and generally unpleasant comments about myself and Mommy4Thomas on her FFnet profile page, as well as several other authors involved.

    A complaint was opened up but nothing was done. Eventually Bellaeric27 did take the offending stories down, but continued to rant and post hateful diatribes on her profile, making spiteful and untrue accusations.

    She seems very quick to point the finger at others, yet not only has she been extremely rude and abusive, but almost every story of hers actually contravenes FFnet content guidelines, with regards to adult themes as well as poor grammar and offensive content.

    I respectfully suggest that this author should be removed from Fanfiction.net for breaking your guidelines on multiple occasions.

    My name is Cuinawen and my FFnet account is https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1172425/

    Thank you

  9. I am disgusted by the events which i have heard about by many authors and am outraged by the laxness that fanfiction is showing when it is usually such a respectable website. Fanfiction is a much used and loved website open to all ages and locations, to find that they are allowing such injustices to go unchecked is extremely disappointing and worrying- as a beacon for writers and readers surely such a prestigious team should be more on the ball and aware that by ignoring such issues and treating the guilty with ‘kidgloves’ using soft and unbacked punishments they are allowing people, young people in particular to think that plagurism and pilfiguring is acceptable. Fanfictions’ ignorance and willingness to brush this aside is unacceptable.
    The doings of this author, Ericbella27, is wholly immoral and her behaviour in stealing the words of others, innocent others who write for the love of writing not to capitalise or to influence others and her personal behaviour by using fowl, rude language in communications of such disgusting nature shows that the issue here has not been resolved by fanfictions punishment. It will be the beginning of the downfall of fanfiction if authors lose confidence in their work being protected by the powers that be. It is my heart that hopes that despite such a troubled beginning, fanfiction will wise up and realise that this lopsided behaviour cannot continue in favour of the guilty. My heart hopes but my head can only remind me that as of yet, fanfiction has not delivered on what it promised and that concerns me deeply.
    https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3965827 under the username casper22

  10. I am down for the cause! I knew in general about the plagiarism that those “authors” commit on Fanfiction, but to steal from Kittyinaz?! NO! I love her writing and it irritates me that people would take what they didn’t have the imagination to create themselves! This is my account. https://www.fanfiction.net/~jaspersdarlinbunny SIGN ME UP!

  11. Completely unacceptable !! And she makes so much faults 😖 !!! You have a supporter over the ocean Atlantic (I’m French 🇫🇷 😊) I don’t write but I follow some stories under Gamma Phi Beta (www.fanfiction.net/u/4686371/)
    I hope that she will have some punishment because stealing the plot or the story of someone and then insults them is unacceptable and very low and mean !!!
    I too hope that the authors will get their “revenge”, and that their stories will return in FanFiction.net (I’m thinking about Harley’s stories).

  12. I’m not an author but I’m a big fan and stealing someone else’s work is not acceptable and should be fixed

  13. I am disgusted by this in every way a decent human being can be. You have yet again punished a writer for defending her work, and allowed the person who willfully and repeatedly has defied the TOS with her stealing of stories.

    I am not pleased by your reaction to this, that someone who has admitted before on doing this, that is continued to steal others works to pass it off as her own, is allowed to keep her accounts, when she also repeatedly breaks the TOS by her sexual content.

    The very adult method of you handling this has me wondering.

    I am Kittyinaz, and my Profile is: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2038970/Kittyinaz

  14. I’m not an author but I do believe that plagiarism is wrong. There are times that FF.net have removed stories or an author’s complete profile like back when those kids were going around reporting stories just for the BS of it; instead of the moderators checking the validity of these claims, they just hit the ‘DELETE’ button but they leave known plagiarizers active. That’s just not fair! While I’m sad that this is happening, I completely agree with your stand.

  15. I am not a writer, but I am a avid reader of fanfiction. I am completely against plagiarism! I think it’s horrible that these talented authors have worked hard to provide stories for us fans just to have other people steal them and claim them as their own! It is wrong that you are allowing a plagiarist to harass and antagonize these authors, and when they stand up for themselves they are being punished! It is like you are condoning this ( I’ll go ahead and call a spade a spade) thief’s actions. I truly believe you should suspend and remove the work of BellaEric27.
    You can reach me at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4689776/

  16. This is disgusting, that plagiarism is so normal to some people that they do not realize they are stealing someone’s hard work. It truly disgusts me, in every way.

    My nickname on FanFiction is Aesheri: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3763402/

    I am a writer, mostly for myself though. I love to read fanfiction, and I used to truly love FanFiction as a site. Lately, I’ve migrated to reading the stories on WordPress. It brings me closer to the writers, that they are real people. I think that’s what those people don’t understand, that the writers are people, that they have poured effort and love in their stories.

    You can also find me on a wordpress site, but I am posting an original story on there, and well…lets just say that this lady doesn’t make my story feel safe if she knows the address of the site. People should feel safe with their stories, happy posting them, happy that people read them.

    Not have to worry about others stealing their hard work. Disgusting. I will always back those that fight against such plagiarism. BertieBott, thank you for this petition. My referrer: the wonderful Kittyinaz and her pretty pretty Murphy.

  17. I’m not a writer but I am a fan of several of the ladies who has had their work stolen. It is a shame that fan fiction has continually removed stories that people couldn’t figure out why yet blatant plagarism is ignored. It almost feels like the author is among the friends of the select few who are able to decide what stories stay or go. My fan fiction profile is https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2290872/

  18. I am not an author, but I am an avid reader. When I see stories being plagiarized it makes me ill. People have been complaining about ericbella27 for months. Not only has she stolen the hard work of some very talented people, she has also harassed these same authors. Plagiarism is wrong in any form but so is punishing an author for defending themselves from being harassed. I have enjoyed this site for years and have read some truly amazing authors. What you are doing is a slap in the face and completely demoralizing to the author. I respect what each author on this site does…to put yourself out there like they do is brave and I applaud them all. The person who is plagiarizing is nothing more than a coward and a bully.
    Like I said earlier, I am not an author, but I follow many wonderful stories under https://www.fanfiction.net/~jessjess76.
    Please do not continue to punish authors for merely trying to protect their own hard work. If you want to punish someone then punish the people who continue to steal the work of others for they truly deserve it.

  19. i am a great fan of your stories ladies and i am absolutely displeased to find such illmannered people(Ericbella27 and her minions) and the treatment that you have been subjected to. i have also read some of her stories and i know for a fact that she has plagiarized from several authors just like bertiebott said ! i hope that this plan works and this supposed author is stopped for good this time 🙂
    i am lavieenrose01 and my profile is : https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5375084/lavieenrose01

  20. Thank you, Bertie, once again for taking such a courageous stand. I don’t want to repeat others comments because they’ve spoken so well already. I will reblog this too. I see that the lovely kinnik and tj have as well. I’m sure others will. I’ll have to figure out how to do it first.

    As a beta for numerous fan fiction writers who post on that site as well as WordPress, I do find it shameful that this continues. I am persistent in my efforts to have them all pull their stories from this toxic site. Just who is minding the store? The random selection of stories pulled for “adult content” makes no sense. I cannot post properly-named anatomical human body parts in a PM to a writer, yet the crudest of terms make it through FF’s filters? I’m no prude, I abhor censorship, and plagiarism within these forums is as rampant as the common cold. Yet, somehow it’s possible for just this one person to remain on a site where there has been so much controversy? Maybe that’s the reason for the remainder. Web sites are measured by the number of “hits” they receive and each time this topic comes up, more folks trawl and more “hits” are received. PLEASE! By no means am I discouraging you from your efforts! I’m simply trying to think of countermeasures and her childish behavior indicates child-like punishment where all else fails. Specifically, if all else should fail, ignore her. Where you shine, she dulls quickly. From the lovely words of Hans Christian Andersen, “Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan’s egg.”

    I only just discovered my first incident of “paraphrasing” with one of the writers with whom I work. We’re not quite sure what to do. We’re hurt and, yes, we’re angry! It matters not that the work is going into the annals of great American literature. It’s that the work was lovingly and painstakingly crafted by a writer over the course of a year, never mind that it was all done freely by the two of us. This is the very heart of the matter and result of the plagiarism crime in fan fiction where one has no standing for legal recourse. Perhaps in our case we should simply do the grown-up thing and overlook it. FF.net and other sites are inevitably going to have stories where words and sometimes entire sentences are verbatim. There are billions of ideas born daily. In our less than 24-hour case, my suggestion to the author was to swallow her anger and be proud. In a fandom of thousands of stories, one very small part of her writing was paraphrased. Smile brightly, be very proud. Imitation is surely the purest and most sincere form of flattery.

    @ FF – https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2078607/
    @WP – https://msbuffy.wordpress.com

  21. sad and angry that someone would do this and get away with it. its not right I will sign what ever you petition you need. this must be stopped you all work so hard on your stories. and no matter what happens I have always loved reading your writing.

  22. I would like to sign this petition as a witness. Although I’m just a reader and not a writer, I think this whole matter just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. These wonderful authors spend countless hours of their free time writing stories for their and others’ enjoyment when they didn’t really have to. It’s horrible that they are getting plagiarized and then get punished when they’re only trying to defend themselves. And they are continually getting attacked by the real offender, this Ericbella27, and the moderators have taken no action even though the victims has brought their attention to this injustice. I only hope that something will be done about this because it’s not fair for these ladies’ hard work to be taken.

  23. Reblogged this on jules3677 and commented:
    Help support the war against these trolls who use other peoples brilliant work as their own. Plagiarism is never acceptable.

  24. Saddening events have left several writers wrongly called out by the words and actions of a person whom has done some not so nice things to acquire desires. Now I’m not trying to call anyone out but I personally want the writers who have been wronged too be able to write how they want too without any trouble being stirred. Please hold the wrong person in question accountable.
    I thank you for reading my voiced writing.

  25. I am not a writer, but I am an enthusiastic reader of fanfiction. I support all the authors and their efforts to stop the theft of their hard work. I wrote an email to Ffn.net earlier today, when I went to Bellaeric27 profile just now, all the stories are gone! Hopefully this is just the beginning of stopping plagiarism at its worst!

  26. The history of plagerism on Fanfiction.net is concerning. As is the site’s response. Fanfiction.net will pull down an author’s work without notice but will not take action against those who have a history of plagerism complaints. I support the action taken by the authors affected by this person and hope Fanfiction.net will have a more responsive action in the future. This situation hurts the authors, and fans who enjoy the work of honest authors.

  27. Reblogged this on MsBuffy and commented:
    On Plagiarism
    Reblogged from Bertie Bott, November 22, 2014

    Thank you, Bertie, once again for taking such a courageous stand. I don’t want to repeat others comments because they’ve spoken so well already. I will reblog this too. I see that the lovely kinnik and tj have as well. I’m sure others will. I’ll have to figure out how to do it first.

    As a beta for numerous fan fiction writers who post on that site as well as WordPress, I do find it shameful that this continues. I am persistent in my efforts to have them all pull their stories from this toxic site. Just who is minding the store? The random selection of stories pulled for “adult content” makes no sense. I cannot post properly-named anatomical human body parts in a PM to a writer, yet the crudest of terms make it through FF’s filters? I’m no prude, I abhor censorship, and plagiarism within these forums is as rampant as the common cold. Yet, somehow it’s possible for just this one person to remain on a site where there has been so much controversy? Maybe that’s the reason for the remainder. Web sites are measured by the number of “hits” they receive and each time this topic comes up, more folks trawl and more “hits” are received. PLEASE! By no means am I discouraging you from your efforts! I’m simply trying to think of countermeasures and her childish behavior indicates child-like punishment where all else fails. Specifically, if all else should fail, ignore her. Where you shine, she dulls quickly. From the lovely words of Hans Christian Andersen, “Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan’s egg.”

    I only just discovered my first incident of “paraphrasing” with one of the writers with whom I work. We’re not quite sure what to do. We’re hurt and, yes, we’re angry! It matters not that the work is going into the annals of great American literature. It’s that the work was lovingly and painstakingly crafted by a writer over the course of a year, never mind that it was all done freely by the two of us. This is the very heart of the matter and result of the plagiarism crime in fan fiction where one has no standing for legal recourse. Perhaps in our case we should simply do the grown-up thing and overlook it. FF.net and other sites are inevitably going to have stories where words and sometimes entire sentences are verbatim. There are billions of ideas born daily. In our less than 24-hour case, my suggestion to the author was to swallow her anger and be proud. In a fandom of thousands of stories, one very small part of her writing was paraphrased. Smile brightly, be very proud. Imitation is surely the purest and most sincere form of flattery.

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